Murder Metal Mayhem

Bonus Episode - Jon Zazula: Thrash Metal Pioneer

Pete Altieri, Chris Shawback, and Joey Cashman Season 1

Pete, Chris, and Joey crush another bonus episode, this time with a feature on a true thrash metal pioneer, Jon "Jonny Z" Zazula.  Together with his wife, Marsha, they were groundbreaking, signing iconic bands to their label, Megaforce Records.  Bands like Metallica, Anthrax, Overkill, Testament, and hundreds more became stars in heavy metal thanks to Jon and Marsha.  The guys discuss his interesting life from the tough streets of the Bronx to his iconic rise in the world of heavy metal.

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Order Pete's new book, Deeper Than Dead, or Creation of Chaos III now!  Download his audiobook on Audible here.

Follow Joey's Goremonger page for updates on his music and his distro, FTA Records.

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